Where are 48% of our Public-Schooled Truants?

HB2827 with Amendment House Hearing, March 19, 2025
As I watched the committee hearing being broadcast live, just a few thoughts and questions came across my mind. It was stated over and over that the Bill is about truancy. It was stated that truancy in public schools has gone up every year. It is currently 48% within the public school system. Let that sink in. 48%. The truancy department of the BOE currently has 20 million dollars from our taxes to track and prevent truancy. 20 million dollars. And they would like more.
AND YET with 20 million dollars at their disposal, truancy has only INCREASED. As a homeschool parent, who successfully graduated and launched all my homeschooled children, and as the current director of a homeschool program, my question to HB2827 writers and supporters is this:
Clearly truancy is increasing in the public schools. Nearly HALF of ALL public schooled students are truant in Illinois. Why is no one asking the fundamental question, which would be WHY are students truant from the public school system in the first place? And WHY is 20 million dollars not able to address this question? I would contend that public school teaches kids to HATE school. Schools are rife today with sexual abuse, bullying (by teachers as well as students), lack of any kind of discipline, inefficient educational practices, and rising suicide rates. THIS is why students are truant. Why is this problem and the 20 million currently being spent on ‘truancy’ not being asked about or addressed?
The idea that homeschooled students are truant is ridiculous. Homeschoolers perform 25% BETTER on academic testing. The idea that the State wants to go after homeschooled students for supposed ‘truancy’, while neglecting the reason that so many public schooled students are truant in the first place remains unanswered and unexplained. The whole idea of truancy in a homeschool is a ridiculous idea anyway. Homeschoolers are schooled ALL DAY LONG. 100 percent of the time. “All of life is learning” for a homeschooler. My own education, though I hold an MBA, has been Completely Redeemed by being a homeschool teacher. I was mindlessly bored in public school and could not get away fast enough to begin Real Learning.
TCH gave a teary account of her desire to protect children who have been harmed by their parents. Certainly, all of us desire to do this. But a ‘registration’ Bill Will Not Accomplish this. Her stance throughout the hearing was condescending and arrogant. She spoke with slow and sarcastic speech and repeated herself over and over in a manner that suggests the people who oppose this Bill are slow in understanding.
She states that she represents the child who is being abused. Yet children in public schools are not currently protected and abuse cases in public schools are far higher. This bill would do absolutely NOTHING to protect children, homeschooled or otherwise, and when asked this very question on how the Bill would protect the children, she could not provide an answer. Many homeschooled children have in fact been pulled out of a public school system that was abusive and are now thriving as homeschooled students.
Amy Elik, on the other hand, was a powerhouse in her speech during the hearing. She eloquently and clearly, asked many questions which TCH and the BOE simply could not answer and stumbled in their speech in attempting to do so.
There are currently millions of our tax dollars being spent on a broken, failing and corrupt system. There is undeniable evidence that the children trapped in this system are not being educated. On the other hand, we as homeschoolers have paid tens of thousands of tax dollars to support the public school system. We have received Zero benefit from them, all the while funding our own schools out of our own pocket. We ask nothing and want nothing from them.
The fact that This is the system that legislatures want to put our children under, to ‘protect’ them is both egregious and insulting.
After vigorous testimony and debate in a hearing that went far beyond its allotted time, after 48K witness slips opposing the Bill, (versus less than 1000 approving), after thousands of individuals came to the Capitol in respectful and peaceful opposition to the Bill, it was Passed 8-4, completely down party lines.
This tragically indicates how out of touch Illinois representatives are, how nefarious their desire to control and place our children under the authority of the State and their own worldview, and how corrupt our system really is. The eight representatives who voted ‘approval’ of the Bill today ignored the largest opposition count in recorded history, ignored their constitutional duty to represent the people of the state of Illinois (and not to tyrannize them), and instead followed their own interests to push an unfunded mandated Bill like HB2827.
A failing, abusive, and grossly inefficient government school system will not help anyone, least of all the tens of thousands of currently thriving homeschooled children. A number which is growing specifically because of the failing public educational system, the same system that TCH and supporters think will somehow ‘protect’ and ‘save’ our children. The only thing our children need to be protected from are the individuals and systems who would seek to dismantle our constitutional rights and freedoms.